
God is bigger than our worried hearts.

I was doing my devotionals this morning, i came across this verse and it literally made me stop. I read it over several times because it literally tugged at my heart strings.
"For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves"- 1 John 3:20 ( the message version) 
As i sat there and thought about it, it definitely spoke to how i have been feeling lately, God has been teaching me that no matter what my heart is worried about, he is there to hold my hand and say "Britney it's going to be alright, cause i've got a plan for you". The part that says "Knows more about us than we do ourselves", this is has definitely come to life this week. Yesterday i shared with you that i got an encouraging note from a friend, the cool thing about it was that it was exactly what i needed and i didn't realize it until i found it outside my door. God has definitely been teaching me this week to appreciate  the little things and even though i may feel stressed or worried about something he is right there to hold me and say it's going to be okay. The past few days i have been listening to this song by Francesca Battistelli and these words have stuck in my head...."This is the stuff that drives me crazy, that's getting to me lately. In the middle of my little mess, i forgot how big i'm blessed. This is the stuff that get's under my skin. But i know i gotta trust You know exactly what you're doing. It might not be what i would choose. But this is the stuff You use." This is my little reminder that no matter how big my mess, that God will find a way to use it. So encouraging :) It makes me smile and realize how blessed I really am. I encourage you to go grab your bible and soak up God's word!

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"Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24